Wednesday, June 17, 2015

engaging school communities

Glodowska, D. Book. CC0. Edited with Blabberize.

A website for a school library can serve multiple purposes, but the most important seem to be
  1. provide information
  2. invite collaboration and participation in the both the physical and online library spaces
As I looked through some sample library websites, I found that there is a lot of information libraries can communicate to the school community: research and paper resources, library catalogs, upcoming events, resources for specific classes, and online tools (I saw a few links to the audio tools we discussed in our last blogs). The collaboration and participation is important because that is what invites the students and teachers into the library (physically or digitally) to make best use of the information provided. I think students being in the library is ideal, but often it takes bridging a gap between the "institutional" feel of a school and students' regular lives with QR codes, Pinterest, and Twitter to engage them. The most effective library websites I found did a good job of piquing student interest through social tools, and then had wonderfully organized information for students looking to use the library resources.

In my mind, if a library website can achieve those two goals, then I envision students learning and being engaged in information fluency and media literacy!

I found a few library websites that I thought were effective. 
  1. The Springfield Township High School Library website uses Smore, which makes the website fairly static (no stream of posts) and requires scrolling instead of navigational buttons, but I think that the content is particularly effective in inviting students to "click" on links, use QR codes to navigate to resources, watch videos, and download helpful apps.
  2. My favorite might be the Wellesley Middle School Library website, which used Weebly. Someone spent a LOT of time compiling resources and making sure that there was no need to "click" more than once to get somewhere within the library site itself. I think Reynolds might have a few critiques about inconsistent alignment and unplanned white space, but the home page of this website draws students in through its use of videos and interactive media, then provides tons of information.
Based on the websites I found, I think that I am going to try a Weebly site. I have tried to use Google in the past, and while I found that it was easier to customize colors, backgrounds, fonts, etc., the layouts tend to be very cumbersome to change (read: lots of time and investment) if someone wants them be visually appealing. Wix and Smore seemed neat, but I think that I envision including a lot more information on a website than would be easy to provide with Smore, and the templates in Wix didn't appeal to me. If I get stuck with Weebly, I will try my luck with one of these others!


  1. Hey Rebecca, I also really liked the Wellesley Middle School page. It gave me some great ideas for my own weekly page. I love the Blabberize you created. I hope you consider including that on your welcome page. It would definitely give the kids a laugh. I found the videos on the Springfield Township High School Library to be particularly effective in engaging students and piquing their interest in exploring the library page. I did not, however, think the page was visually pleasing. It was inconvenient to have to scroll down to view things. I like that on the weebly page, everything is literally right in front of your eyes in the form of tabs. Some students might not want to have to look for things by scrolling down on a Smore page. I am also going to do a weebly site for my library website.

  2. An unrelated comment: I really like the look of your blog. I'm kind of bummed I am so far into wordpress that I don't feel I can get out at this point.
    A related comment: Not sure why but I felt more at ease with wix and I love what I'm able to do with my website there. I started out on weebly but got frustrated early on. Now I've got to tear myself away from the computer because I just want to make my site better and better instead of doing the rest of my work!

  3. I really enjoyed watching the videos on the Springfield Township link. I thought that was a creative addition to a traditional library page. Now I'm off to search Youtube for more library videos!
